Security at Wembley Stadium

Security at Wembley Stadium

The safety and security of fans at Wembley Stadium is of paramount importance.

We work closely with all our stakeholders including the police and local authority to deliver a safe occasion for all.


Since 2022 Wembley Stadium has invested heavily in additional safety and security measures.

The work includes making turnstiles and accessibility entrances more secure, strengthening locks on all perimeter doors, the creation of a new command and control room, and the addition of more than 50 Hi-Res CCTV cameras.

In 2024 a new three-metre fence was installed on the perimeter of the stadium, with roller shutters fitted on external concourses.

Wembley Park

Wembley Stadium works alongside our partners to ensure the safety of all our guests across the wider Wembley Park estate.

Together, we have introduced a series of world-leading measures including extra patrols to enforce the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which exists around Wembley Stadium on all event days.